Kurdistan Iraq 8 Days 7 Nights Program

The First Day:

Arrival at Erbil Airport & receipt of the group directly to the hotel, & receiving the rooms.
A tour in Erbil City , which is consider capital of Kurdistan of Iraq , & was the religionous capital of the Assyrian Kingdom ,& it is called «Hawlir» in Kurdish Language after the «Lir» tribes .

Then we proportion visit to the old markets , then ascend to the famous Erbil Citadel , entering its old alleys , & visit the Craft Museum in the Citadel , where we find the details about the old craft of the Kurdish people , & the official costumes of all Kurdish tribes .

Erbil Citadel , situated in the centre of Erbil City , goes back historically to the age of the Assyrians , when it was built for defensive purposes , as it was considered an invulnerable stronghold for Erbil City . It is 26 meters high over City level , & 415 meters over sea level .

Overnight Stay : in Erbil.

The Second Day:

A tour in Erbil summer resorts.

After breakfast , we shall direct ourselves to Salah Aldin Town , 35 KM eastwards , which is considered a famous summer resort on top of the mountain Then to Shaqlawa , which is a summer resort & a town on the foot of the mountain versant & counted of the first rate summer resorts in Iraq ;following by a tour in its markets , being informed , meanwhile , of the nature of the peoples ; daily living .

Then to Gali Beg Area , passing thorough it to the great Hareer plain , & Khalifan , with its fascinating nature ,& the Kurdish villages , including a stop at a village & touring in it . The Gali Area is famous for its great waterfall , which is of the most renowned in Iraq.

Afterwards , the return to Erbil , & Stay overnight .

The Third Day:

After breakfast , departure to Dohuk , passing by Ainkawa , which is small Chaldean town to the north – west of Erbil ,&visit its archeological sites , of which are : Tal Maura & Mar Gorgese Church , which is considered of the most ancient church , wherein a stone indicates that it was repaired in the year 826 A.D., testifying logically that is was built older than that date , & this charch is with capacity to 700 players.

Besides , there is Mar Yousif Church , built in 1987 according to the Babylonian architecture , by participation of Ainkawa population & some donators . The façade of the church is similar to Ashtar Gate ,& its bell was imported from France .

After Ainkawa we directed ourselves westwards to Dohuk town . The arrival at the hotel ;
receipt of rooms ; a tour in Dohuk town , its markets , especially the old one covered with «Bzar» , considered the oldest in the town ; then passing overnight in the town .

The Fourth Day:

After breakfast , we shall take the road to Sarsang , one of the beautiful summer resorts in Dohuk area , & make a small toun in its markets , & take tea in a popular café , then to the White Mount , where the cave aging to the prehistoric eras ; then we shall go to Solav , one of the fine Summer resorts in Dohuk ,
with a short tour in the market , & nounting on the foot to the nearest pint to the water spring on the top of the mountain , then we depart directly to Al-Amadiya.

Al-Amadiya is located at 70KM to the north –east of Dohuk … Its is 1400m over sea level, as stated in the Urian inscriptions , in the reign of the Assyrian King Shamshi Adad the Fifth ( 810 – 823 B.C.) . It had been visited by many foreign archeologists & historians , confirming that the life of Assyrians con
tinued there after the fall of their capital Nineva.

Then the return to Dohuk & overnight stay .

The Fifth Day:

After breakfast , departure to Erbil , passing by Aqra , where one of the most beautiful small towns in Kurdish .

This town is characterized by the method of building its houses at the versant of the mountain , which makes it the most fascinating towns in the fantastic design of the architecture .
We shall make a tour in its markets ,& be acknowledged of the nature of people there .
We shall than return to Erbil — Arrival — Receipt of rooms — A tour in Erbil City- Visit of Al-Mudhaffariya minaret , built by Muddaffar’ Aldin , whose reign was in the Sixth Century A.D.

The Sixth Day:

After Breakfast – Departure to Al-Sulimaniya , eastwards , the city founded in 1784 by the Kurdish Princes Ibrahim Pasha Baban , who called after his father’s name L Seleiman Pasha , one of the Princes of Banan Dynasty .

The Kurdish Surani language prevails there , which is different from the Bahdinani language prevailing in Erbil & Dohuk .

The arrival at the hotel-receipt of rooms , after which we make a tour in the city , where the Grand Mosque built in the 18th catury by the Baban princes .It contains high large minarets ,& the tomb of Sheikh Alnodihy , knows as Kaka Ahmed Al-Sheikh . Afterwards , we shall visit the markets , where the main market in Al-Suleimaniya ,& see the most important milestones of the town .

The overnight stay.

The Seventh Day:

After breakfast, the departure to Erbil, passing by Dohan lake, which is a concrete dam of 325m long & 108m high, on the Little Zab River & works started in its building in 1945 .

Dokan Lake is considered a beautiful summer resorts , where we shall have a boat tour in the lake . After that we shall return directly to Erbil – Arrival at the hotel – Receipt of rooms – An evening tour in Erbil City.

The Eight Day:

After breakfast, We shall leave directly to Erbil Airport for departure.